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Travel recommendations
You would like to travel the Saarland individually but don't know exactly where to start or which route to take?
We have put together some itineraries that you can follow exactly like this.
Cultural cycling tour
From Saarbrücken to Trier
If you like to cycle leisurely and take your time for all the things worth seeing along the way, this one is for you. This cultural cycling tour along the Saar and Moselle will take you to a number of cultural highlights, such as the Porta Nigra in Germany’s oldest city Trier, the so-called “little Venice“ in Saarburg, the ceramics manufacturer Villeroy & Boch, the World Heritage Site “Völklinger Hütte“ (former ironworks), the Baroque Saarbrücken and the city of the Sun King, Saarlouis.
Once around the Saarland
7 days, 6 stages
Cycle around Saarland in 7 days and 6 stages. Discover baroque architecture, special nature and impressive history along the Saar and indulge in culinary and cultural delights in the Saarland towns. You should bring along a bit of fitness, as there are one or two ascents along the way, but in the end you will be rewarded with the circumnavigation of an entire federal state.
River Cycling in Saarland
From Bliesgau to the border triangle
On this 6-day cycle tour, you will discover the gently rolling hills of the Bliesgau biosphere reserve and the mountain ranges of the Saargau region near the French border.
3 days bikepacking
Camping tour along the Saarland cycling tour
Combine cycling and camping on this three-day tour along the Saarland Cycle Path. The scenically varied stage tour leads from Saarbrücken, through the UNESCO Bliesgau Biosphere Reserve and the St. Wendel region to the Saar Loop in Mettlach.