
We’re in love ...

We’re in love ...

...with the Saar Bow!

The Saar Bow is Germany’s most beautiful river loop and much loved by many. Elfi and Gerhard, for instance, are two keen hikers who have over the years developed an almost passionate relationship with the unique natural wonder of the Saarschleife, as it‘s called in German. From their point of view, it’s never boring but actually gets more beautiful each time!

Breathtaking views

No matter from which direction you’re appproaching the majestic Saar loop, it’s always exciting. You might be walking through beautiful forest, obscuring the view, and then, all of a sudden, in a curtains up moment and from one moment to the next – wow, there it is! Each time breathtakingly beautiful.

And where’s the castle?

Depending on the time of year, the popular game of spotting Montclair Castle gets easier or harder. For Saar Bow first-timers, summer will be a particularly tricky time to find the castle on top of the ridge that the Saar Bow embraces in an almost affectionate way.

What about the ferry?

It’s tiny from above! When you’re up at the Cloef viewpoint from where you’ll have the best views on the Saar Bow, you’ll need a local in order to spot the small ferry. This service from one river bank to the other is only for ramblers and cyclists. And if you need to use it, simply ring a bell at the quay!

The best way to enjoy the Saar Bow

is a hike on the Saarschleife Tafeltour trail. Elfi and Gerhard did it and fell in love – with the Saar Bow, the valley, the local forest, the wonderfully aromatic air and, last but not least, the well deserved coffee and cake break in Mettlach.

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