
‘Kleiner Lückner´

Hiking Trail

This is a short, largely flat and varied tour, suitable for untrained hikers. Highlights include a path taking you along the Losheim creek and the mysterious Rammenfels rock. Most of the trail is in the forest but includes nice views, too.

  • Type Hiking Trail
  • Difficulty easy
  • Duration 2:45 h
  • Distance 8,6 km
  • Ascent 138 m
  • Descent 138 m
  • Lowest point 261 m
  • Highest point 399 m


The hike begins at the Dellborner Mühle. The mill, which has existed since the middle of the 18th century, is located on the Losheimer Bach at the foot of the Wahlen Mountains between Wahlen and Nunkirchen.

Through various forest formations one reaches an open pasture area on the Eisenberg. Once the pasture is passed, the routes of the “big” and “small” Lückner share. After a short while in the forest, the path leads into the valley. The green and sandy areas of the Nunkircher golf course become visible.

We continue to walk in the forest, later we pass a tennis facility and a paddock. In a hairpin bend along the route, there is an indication that the distance to Münchweiler Castle is only 800 meters. The Rammenfels natural monument is reached after a short time. The almost 30 meter high sandstone rock is said to have been a Stone Age settlement. Since 1948 there has been a Lourdes grotto under the overhanging rock.

A narrow path runs from the Rammenfels to the Dellborner Mühle directly on the Losheimer Bach, which follows the meanders of the brook and presents the viewer with a gallery with beautiful water pictures in various colors. Sometimes the water ripples softly, then it seems to continue to flow silently before it becomes audible again over stones and bends. The trail has been rated with 66 adventure points by the German Hiking Institute.

Startpunkt der Tour ist die Dellborner Mühle. Der Wirtschaftsweg am Startpunkt teilt sich und man fogt dem Wegeverlauf nach links in Richtung des Loshimer Bach. Der befestigte Weg wird bald verlassen und eine kleine Schleife führt direkt an dem Ufer des losheimer Baches entlang und führt bei der Mariengrotte wieder auf den befestigten Weg.

Diesem Weg folgt man weiter bis eine Abbiegung nach rechts in den Wald in Richtung kleiner Lückner und dem Golfaplatz  Weiherhof hineinführt. es folgt eine kurze Überquerung eines Waldweges und der Weg verläuft auf einem Pfad stetig bergan bis zum Eisenberg.

Nach einer kleinen Rast und Aussicht führt ein befestigter Weg wieder in den Wald hinein. Es geht bergab zurück in Richtung Dellborner Mühle. Zuerst über breitere Forstwege und das letzte Teilstück über einen Pfad zum Ausgangspunkt der Tour.

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Please note:

Entering the forest and using the hiking trails is always at one’s own risk.

Depending on season and weather individual legs of hiking trails require a particularly sure foot. Therefore, please make sure to wear hiking shoes with rugged soles for traction and clothes that are appropriate for the respective season and weather conditions.

Dellborner Mühle in Wahlen

Mit dem Bus (von Bahnhof Merzig) bis "Dellborner Mühle", Niederlosheim Losheim. Ca. 10 Min Fußweg.


Map and arrival

Elevation profile

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